The Problem With Mission-Critical Cloud Migrations
Enterprise Data Platforms to Cloud Migrations are complex and absorb significant resources, energy and time.
Within this scope one of the most difficult area’s to manage is moving the database and critical data, especially Real-Time Data with Zero Downtime.
Meeting Net Zero Targets
How can organisations meet their zero emissions when operating both On-Premise and Cloud environments with dual teams?
Cloud migrations need to be accelerated and the migration timeframe shrunk. This reduces parallel consumption by switching off legacy databases and platforms so as to operate only in the cloud.
Who has the problem?
Corporate End Users, Digital Transformation Executives and System Integrators who want to make their database migrations more cost-effective (less revenue spend & lower risk) with high-power tools, automation and repeatable processes.
What problem does 1Place solve?
Applications already have a well-defined and well-established migration to the cloud – virtualisation, containerisation, micro-services & agile delivery are widely adopted and successful.
But Database migration has stumbled and lags behind. NoSQL databases don’t cut the mustard for business-critical transactional applications.
However, Traditional SQL databases don’t fully capitalise on cloud scale-out and resilience, but getting them into the cloud addresses the CAPEX/OPEX challenge and migrating to open-source databases addresses expensive licensing & Vendor lock-in.
What organisations need is to manage their Technical Database Debt, move to the cloud faster, maintain their RTO/RPO and switch off their on-premise site costs sooner.
Complete enterprise database migration from a single console
1Place delivers a wide range of cloud migration functionality that accelerates your move to the cloud with less risk, resources and energy.
1Place takes the pain away from performing single mission-critical or multiple high-volume database moves. Challenges arise when the migrated databases must be managed and coordinated across multiple locations.
Multiple Locations, database types and service levels
Whether On-Premise, Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Database Architectures require data to be kept synchronised, managed and monitored in real-time, all of the time to ensure service levels are met.
1PLACE enables organisations to seamlessly migrate and then manage their Cloud migrations and environments from a single dashboard and Cloud control panel all in real-time.
So whether your database is Oracle, MySQL, or SQL Server and is on-premise, in a private cloud, or single or multiple public clouds, 1PLACE delivers 1CLOUD for complete database and operational unification.
Migrations are 50% Faster with 1Place
As an example, 1PLACE Migrations are 50% faster, reduce risk, require much lower technical skills, enable real-time troubleshooting and save significant costs by reducing time to resolve issues and cloud storage costs.
1Place supports Oracle to Hadoop and/or Mongo DB data conversions, in real-time allowing large data sets to be converted and managed without the cost overhead and resources required to manage SQL databases such as Oracle.
1PLACE enables organisations to operate between On-Premise and the 4 main Cloud Providers:
1PLACE supports the following databases for production and reporting workloads including:
1PLACE includes and delivers over 22 enhancements to standard GoldenGate installations.
1PLACE enables Multi-Cloud data management, monitoring and support from a single dashboard and makes migrations and synchronisation easier with automated troubleshooting.
The pricing for 1PLACE is dependent upon the model requested and whether the host…
With a comprehensive range of functionality enhancements that significantly improve migration tasks and reduce the technical expertise required to migrate large data sets and keep them synchronised 1PLACE delivers to your requirements.
1PLACE is built for GoldenGate Enterprise Software and follows best practices for security and data migration policies and procedures. 1PLACE integrates fully with AWS AZURE Monitoring ensuring any data under management whether in the Cloud or On-premise is managed effectively and comprehensively.
To ensure that 1PLACE can be used with the least amount of technical know-how installations can be achieved through template downloading via the major cloud providers. Also with an easy to follow installation process that uses wizard installation guides setting up 1PLACE is fast and trouble-free.
The pricing for 1PLACE is dependent upon the model requested and whether the host organisation needs to purchase GoldenGate or use a pay-as-go model, however two options are project based time defined model, typically 1-3 months or a yearly subscription.
Download the Technical Whitepaper as it contains further details of how 1PLACE can accelerate your Cloud Migrations, reduce costs and help manage and monitor your cloud platforms whether on-premise, hybrid or Multi-cloud.
Organisations that are using 1PLACE will need a production copy of GoldenGate and this can be provided as a ‘Bring your own license’ or a subscription license provided by 1PLACE on a 12-month basis.